All you really need to do is to price your rides (see section 3), set a park entrance fee (see section 5.1) and set prices for stalls (see section 4). The basics of finacing in this game is really simple. but it is all done in a very simple fashion so even a 10-year old could understand it. = The Basics of Finance in RollerCoaster Tycoon As I've said in the introduction, the games economic system is very well done, because it does show ride construction, staff wages, loan intreast, etc. However, you still have to know it, that is why I made this FAQ. What is so good about RollerCoaster Tycoon is that it's easy to work the finance system. Sure, you have to be good at builidng Roller Coasters to be any good at this game, but you also have to be able to manage your finances. But, I choose a little lesser know side of RollerCoaster Tycoon, namely the financial part of it.
RollerCoaster Tycoon & Corkscrew Follies / Added Attractions & Loopy Landscapes Finance FAQ Version: 0.75 By: GurraJG = ***TABLE OF CONTENT*** Introduction The Basics of Finance in RollerCoaster Tycoon Ride Pricing Ride Finace Window Transport Rides Gentle Rides Roller Coasters Thrill Rides Water Rides Shops and Stalls Pricing Shops and Stalls Finance Window Food and Beverages Souvenirs Information Kiosk Bathrooms The Park Window How to Set the Entrance Fee The Entrance Fee Window Buying Land Buying Land Construction Rights The Finance Window Taking and Repaying Loans Park Value and Company Value The Various Graphs Advertising Dealing with Various Problems "I'm not paying that much to go on." Negative Profit Ride Dept Negative Income Miscellaneous Research Financing The Weather and Ride Pricing Staff Handymen Mecanics Security Guards Entertainers Monetary Units Cheats FAQs Legal Section Credits and Thanks Contact Info Version History = Introduction As a big fan of RollerCoaster Tycoon, it only seems natural to FAQ for it.